The sudden demise of legendary actress Sridevi Kapoor left everyone in a shocking moment. The saddening incident took place in midnight when she suffered a cardiac arrest. The actress had flown to UAE for the marriage of her nephew Mohit Marwah a few days back. As per the sources Sridevi was staying in Jumeirah Emirates Tower hotel and in the midnight she suffered a cardiac arrest followed by which she fell unconscious inside the hotel’s bathroom. Soon she was rushed to Rashid Hospital, where she was declared dead by the doctors.
Confirming the news, Sridevi’s brother-in-law said, “We are completely shocked. She had no history of a heart attack.” He told Khaleej Times that she suffered a cardiac arrest at 11 pm when she was inside her Dubai’s hotel room. All family members of Kapoor and Marwal clan have departed to UAE after knowing the shocking news. Indian Ambassador to UAE Navdeep Singh Suri told ANI, “Right now, police are engaged in forensics report. We are in touch with the family & local authorities to provide all possible assistance.” (Also Read: Amitabh Bachchan’s nervous tweet minutes before Sridevi’s demise gets Twitter talking about premonition)
Sridevi was born as Shree Amma Yanger Ayyapan and ruled in the Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi and Kannada industry with her acting mettle. The actress didn’t only had a huge fan base in the country but across the globe. Her last film Mom received several accolades and was a success. She will also be seen in Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero, which will be her last silver screen appearance. The film will release on December 21 during the Christmas weekend and also stars Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma in key roles.