Actor Ranveer Singh, who can carry any ensemble with absolute panache, says he stopped fearing being judged for his fashion statement after he started doing what he really felt like doing. Known for his eclectic, quirky and eccentric fashion style, Ranveer said he gained “confidence and started being true to himself, his sensibilities and aesthetics” after the first few years of his career.
Asked if he puts extra efforts when it comes to fashion, the 32-year-old actor told IANS in an e-mail interview: “No, I’ve actually had a little bit of a journey when it comes to style and fashion. “I’ve always been attracted to edgy avant-garde style. Growing up, in school and college I have always been open to experimenting, matching outfits with my haircuts.
“I became an actor and in my first few years, not knowing how to deal with the limelight, I was trying to conform to what I perceived to be the expectations of the public. “Something like how an upcoming leading man should turn out to be.” Early in his career, he used to make very “straight and safe” choices which were against his grain, Ranveer said. ALSO READ: Revealed! Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh to tie the knot at this beautiful Italian lake
“I think in my third or fourth year I started gaining confidence through validation of my acting. As a result, I started being true to myself, my sensibilities, my aesthetics, and my choices. “I believe style is an expression,” said the actor, who endorses eyewear label, Carrera. “It was then, I really stopped filtering my expression and started doing what I really felt like doing and not fearing being judged.
“Once I started being original, being true to what I felt I guess that got recognized widely — my distinctive style. But honestly, that is just me being me,” he added. On the acting front, Ranveer is currently busy filming Simmba, directed by Rohit Shetty. The film also features actor Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara.