So it’s almost official between Jhanvi Kapoor and her boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. The couple made their first public appearance together at Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Dear Zindagi screening last night where Shikhar was spotted arriving in the same car as Jhanvi, Sridevi and Boney Kapoor. Can you believe it? While rumours were rife that Sridevi is upset with Jhanvi for going public with Shikhar by posting lovey dovey pics on social media. Yesterday’s outing only proved how there are no differences between Sridevi and Jhanvi or Sridevi and Shikhar. In fact, it looks more like Shikhar is well accepted by Jhanvi’s family and is all set to take their relationship to the next level. Don’t you think so? Also read: Jhanvi Kapoor makes her first OFFICIAL appearance with her boyfriend at the Dear Zindagi screening – view HQ pics
Well, it’s indeed very bold of Jhanvi to make her relationship official with Shikhar at a time when everyone is desperately waiting for her Bollywood debut. I mean, usually anyone who’s gearing up for their first film would obviously want their personal life to take a back seat and get noticed for their hot looks and appearances. Now that’s how even Jhanvi’s contemporary Sara Ali Khan is treating the paparazzi right now, without letting her personal life out in the open. But guess Jhanvi wants to break that norm and stay true and open from the very beginning even if she makes more headlines for her affair than her film. Both ways, she’ll be breaking the internet, no?
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All said and done, here we look at 5 hottest pictures of Jhanvi and Shikhar together….
Well, we wonder what destiny holds for the Jhanvi and Shikhar. But for all the ignorant, Shikhar is Sushil Kumar Shinde’s grandson, who is basically from Delhi but has done his schooling in Mumbai from Dhirubhai Ambani International School and Bombay Scottish School. For further studies he went abroad to London and has done graduation from Regent’s University London. Like his grandfather he also has a keen interest in politics. A fan of the TV series Entourage Shikhar plays Polo, and has been a part of Royal Jaipur Polo team and has even represented Indian in Berkshire Polo Club London back in 2013. No wonder he caught the eye of the gorgeous Jhanvi…