Hindi film producer Vashu Bhagnani on Monday moved the Supreme Court against the release of Anil Kapoor and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan starrer Fanney Khan. The case was mentioned by Bhagnani’s lawyer before a bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justice A.M. Khawhilkar and Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, which posted it for hearing on August 1.
Bhagnani alleged that the film’s distribution rights for India were given to his company Pooja Entertainment & Films Ltd. The film, also starring Rajkummar Rao, slated to release on August 3. Pooja Films said that it owns the exclusive rights to distribute, exhibit and exploit the commercial and non-commercial theatrical rights for the film “Fanney Khan” throughout India and entered into a MoU with co-producer Kriarj Entertainment in December 2017. ALSO READ: Movies this week: Fanney Khan, Karwaan, Mulk
Pooja Films also claimed that sole distribution rights for the film were sold to it and it has deposited an amount of Rs 8.50 crore, out of an agreed Rs 10 crore payment, and as per the agreement, the remaining money need only be paid a week before the film’s release.
However, in connivance with others, the rights were parted with its entire co-production and distribution rights, it further said. Two petitions already been were pending before the Delhi and Bombay High Courts. The petitioner sought direction for transfer of the cases pending in the Bombay High Court to the Delhi High Court or to the Supreme Court and stay the release of the film.