For the ones who thought Priyanka Chopra has made up her mind to not charge a single penny for Salman Khan’s Bharat, should know that the reports are completely untrue. Rumours of PeeCee signing her comeback film for free started doing the rounds on Wednesday afternoon. Her fans were curious to know if these recent reports were true and if Ali Abbas Zafar was the real reason why she had decided to do it for free. Why Ali? Well, ‘cos according to the same reports, Priyanka had, in fact, generously offered to do the film for free as it was being directed by her friend Ali Abbas Zafar. However, BollywoodLife got in touch with someone who’s close to the project and the source further rejected all these reports saying they are not true at all. Also Read: Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra to shoot a holi song for Bharat
The source further revealed, “Priyanka is definitely not doing Bharat for free and she is charging a fee like any other actress in the industry.” So reports of PeeCee getting paid as much as Deepika in Padmaavat still hold true, however, there’s a slight glitch in that. The same source corrected these other rumours saying, “Priyanka is not getting Rs 12 crore for her comeback film.” So is she getting paid more than Deepika or less? We still don’t know. But we hope these false stories surrounding the project and the actress will be now put to rest. Also Read: Salman Khan’s Bharat will NOT be exactly like Ode to My Father courtesy this reason
Anyways, let’s ignore all things wrong and concentrate on the ones that are true. As per the recent report in DNA, Priyanka too, will sport five different looks like Salman in Bharat. Revealing details about the same, Ali, in his chat with DNA said, “Like Salman, PC will also sport five different looks. She will age from 28 to 60 years, while he will age from 25 to 65 years in the film. We will use a mix of prosthetics, make-up, and VFX.” The project is just getting exciting with each passing day, right?