Eijaz Khan: My character is sarcastic and egoistic; exactly like me in real life

The telly actor talks about the homework involved behind playing a cop, his look in the show and working with 24 Frames

Eijaz Khan, who was last seen in 2012’s Shubh Vivah is all set to come back to TV with Laut Aao Trisha; that too in a radically different avatar. The actor has lost a lot of weight but is looking hot as usual. Read excerpts of the interview…

What made you opt this show among all the other offers you got?

The script is genuinely awesome. It is bold, controversial and interesting. Life OK has maintained their track record of telecasting different shows and Laut Aao Trisha does exactly that. It is not a run of the mill story – do I need any other reason?

How is the show controversial?

Well, there are several things I discover about the family, which turns out to be scandalous. The secrets in the family have the power to tarnish the image of the family.

Tell us about your character in Laut Aao Trisha.

I play ACP Kabir. It is an interesting, sarcastic and egoistic character. I can really relate to him ‘coz that’s exactly how I am.

So will you be doing any hardcore action in the series?

I will be doing the same kind of action a cop would see in his day-to-day life. There will a lot of running, chasing and a little shooting in the show.

You seem to have lost a lot of weight over time. Was it specifically for this role?

I was in the hospital a few days back. I had a very bad stomach infection; and I have just come back.

How was it working with 24 Frames?

It was awesome working 24 Frames. Bhairavi (Raichura) is a very good friend of my brother, Kunal and there is a comfort level when you are working with her. Nandita, who is also directing this show, is brilliant and great to work with. As an actor, I have also brought in a few changes, but fortunately, the writer is so good that I stick to exactly what is written and what needs to be done.

How did you prepare for your role?

It is not simple to play a rigid character like ACP Kabir. In order to prepare for the role, I observed their body language, demeanour, how they carry themselves and how they salute. I met some cops too, who are just like us – with normal issues and problems in their everyday life. I have done a little homework the rest is fictitious. In fact, I have a friend, who works in special operations – he showed me how to load a gun, carry a weapon, how to shoot and how to carry the torch when in pursuit of a criminal.

So will you be sporting a uniform or sporting a different style?

Well that is something you will find out when the show starts.

The show was initially supposed to air on Star Plus, but it’s now coming on Life OK. Do you think the show will lose a lot of audience ‘coz of this shift?

Only time will tell whether it’s a good or bad decision, but I am not concerned about that. The show will do well no matter which channel it comes on.