After tackling the issue of sanitation and lack of proper toilets in houses across villages in India, Shree Narayan Singh has announced another light hearted yet impactful social drama in association with T Series and KriAj Entertainment. Starring Shahid Kapoor, the film talks about the lack of electricity across our country and about the sky-high prices that we are charged. The title of the film was announced today by Shahid in a small yet hilarious title announcement video. Earlier it was reported that the film maybe called Roshni, however can now confirm that it has been titled as Batti Gul Meter Chalu.
Shahid Kapoor made the announcement on Twitter, when he wrote, “Let’s celebrate the festival of light with the hope that soon electricity will be a right and not a privilege for all. #BattiGulMeterChalu #ShreeNarayanSingh.” Having electricity in your house and being able to bear those exorbitant charges is possible for only a few privileged villagers. We and the team of Batti Gul Meter Chalu hope to spread light across every corner of the country at affordable rates. In fact, in one portion of the video, we see crows sitting on the electricity wire joking that even though there is no light since last night, the bill has come more than they expected. Quite clearly several people will connect with this story. Anyway, check out the title announcement video here and share with us your thoughts about it in the comments section below! (ALSO READ – Exclusive: Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput shoot for their FIRST magazine cover together)
Talking about the film, director Shree Narayan Singh mentioned in a statement, “I’m happy to collaborate with Prernaa and Arjun of KriArj Entertainment the presenters of Toilet Ek Prem Katha. As a filmmaker , it’s a pleasure working with a dream team of producer Bhushan Kumar of T-Series who always put the film first and understand everything that goes into making a memorable movie. Together we hope to make another memorable film that reaches a wide spectrum of audiences across the country. I also look forward to working with Shahid Kapoor. Someone with his talent will do complete justice to the role.”
With such a fantastic plot and a star like Shahid Kapoor, we are sure this is going to be one of the best films of 2018. Batti Gul Meter Chalu is all set to go on floors soon, so stay tuned to BollywoodLife as we get you all the dope about this movie right here.