Wrestler-actor Dara Singh, who is on life support system and undergoing dialysis, continued to battle for life Tuesday with doctors attending on him saying he was very critical. “He is still very critical. Very much with us,” said Dr Ram Narain, COO, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital on Tuesday morning. The 84-year-old was admitted to the hospital on July 7 following a severe cardiac problem, which later led to a kidney malfunction. In his prime, Dara Singh was a world-famous wrestler and won the title of Rustam-e-Hind for his prowess. He entered Hindi cinema in 1952, featuring in movies like Watan Se Door, Daada, Rustom-E-Baghdad, Sher Dil, Sikandar E Azam, Raaka, Mera Naam Joker and Dharam Karam. His last major film was Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor in Jab We Met. He is also remembered for his portrayal of Lord Hanuman in the 1980 TV series Ramayan.