Baaghi 2 is on a roll. In 11 days, the film has managed to achieve something that Akshay Kumar‘s films take days to do. Toilet: Ek Prem Katha which released last year, earned Rs 134.22 crore in its entire run, but Baaghi 2 managed to go past that in just 11 days! Tiger’s film is presently at Rs 135.35 crore. Given the fact that TEPK is Akshay’s biggest hit ever after it crossed the lifetime collection of Rowdy Rathore last year, Tiger Shroff has now become even bigger than Akshay at the box office. It definitely is slightly and pleasantly shocking. The young Shroff is only a few films old whereas Akshay has been here since two decades and more. Yet the young lad managed to go past him already. It’s true that Baaghi 2 (3500) opened with more screens than TEPK (3000) and despite that the sequel managed to achieve this feat.
Tiger’s film had left the heavyweights of this year behind on the first day itself. Baaghi 2 opened with Rs 25.10 crore and became the biggest opener of 2018. Even Padmaavat, the first Rs 300 crore film of this year, fell short of earning so much. The combined collection of the previews and opening day of the period drama was Rs 24 crore while Baaghi 2 earned more than that on the first day itself. Clearly, Tiger did something tremendously right with this film. Check out the collections here… (Also read: Tiger Shroff’s Baaghi 2 cruises past Akshay Kumar’s Padman in just 4 days; becomes the fourth highest grosser of 2018)
#Baaghi2 is not slowing down soon, especially in mass pockets… Continues its dominance, despite new films and #IPL2018… Speeding towards ₹ 150 cr… [Week 2] Fri 5.70 cr, Sat 7.30 cr, Sun 9.50 cr. Total: ₹ 135.35 cr. India biz. EXCELLENT!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 9, 2018
#Baaghi2 biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 112.85 cr
Weekend 2: ₹ 22.50 cr [3000 screens]
Total: ₹ 135.35 cr
India biz.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 9, 2018
Toilet: Ek Prem Katha took 50 days to make that kind of money at the box office. Well, Tiger has truly become the young actor to look out for.