Akshay Kumar is one of the most naughtiest Bollywood stars we have ever met. We had heard that the actor is a prankster, but we got a glimpse of all the mischief that Khiladi Kumar must be up to when the cameras are not rolling and the press is not around. When we caught up with the Toilet – Ek Prem Katha actors recently there were several moments when Akshay literally got Bhumi blushing or stopping her conversation midway. Not to mention he even managed to get the actress guffawing when he made a real sly reference at her mentor Mr Aditya Chopra. Now we all know that Bhumi Pednekar is a Yash Raj find and it was Aditya Chopra who gave the actress her big break in Bollywood. We quizzed Akshay if he had watched his talented co-star’s upcoming film Shubh Mangal Savdhan promo. Akshay revealed that he’s seen it much before the rest of us, as Bhumi had shows the trailer much ahead of it’s official release. And then he all hailed her for a great choice of filmi subjects, and as he concluded he said, “Her selection is so good that I wonder who is helping her.”
So we probed the actor further and asked him, “Would you like to hire the same person?” To which, he said, “I can’t afford him!” Well, clearly we all know that Akshay was referring to Aditya Chopra here. The actor got Bhumi laughing and we couldn’t help but admire Akki’s sense of humour one more time during this interview.
That’s not all Akshay and Bhumi revealed that the latter wasn’t even aware of the film being backed by a superstar. Akshay said, “She didn’t even know that I was the actor in it. When she heard about the script she had said yes without knowing I was in it. When she got to know, then she started thinking if she should do it or not.” Of course the actor was just kidding like always. But Bhumi burst into another riot of laughter and said, “I was jumping with joy! Who would have thought? My second film, a film like Toilet and with Akshay Sir. I think my family was jumping with joy more.”
Toilet Ek Prem Katha, is the first time we will see Akshay and Bhumi together on screen. The trailer has been well received and the movie is supposed to bring some relief at the box office and the distributors are relying highly on Akshay after Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor failed to perform at the box office. Watch this space for more news and updates on Toilet Ek Prem Katha.